Given that I have quite a few blog RSS signatures on Visualization and weekends are full of interesting posts and publishings around the globe, Monday-Tuesday will be the days dedicated to Visualizations. My likes and dislikes, thoughs, wishes... What have you.
Todays (and probably will repeat itself) subject: Many Eyes
Although it's no secret that I've worked with the guys in Cambridge for a brief time in 06-07 winter, there will be time for talking about the tag cloud, wordle and all the other awesome tools available in the portal. This post is about their newest back-end change: Rails!
That's right, everything is now running on Ruby on Rails. On their newest post, Jesse brings out the big guns and points out the pros and cons on the choice and makes his point very objectively. Try it out for yourself and feel the difference.
Thumbs up for the time invested, guys!

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