Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Recently released by the Washington Post, TimeSpace, an interactive post article, photos, global blogs, foreign policy, video and articles geographic visualization. In other words, an interactive map with A LOT of information! Interesting choice of color pallet, animated nodes and (particularly my favorite) custom slider makes it easy to find information and, the most fun and valuable part, trends!
For instance, in a few glances, you can find out which are the interests of the post when publishing worldwide information to it's readers. Sadly enough, you can also find out that all that matters to the post regarding my home country - Brazil - is soccer (and even worst, my soccer team came in second this year, loosing to São Paulo). You can also notice the lack of interest for global news. Summing up all the nodes, there are far more items in the various parts of U.S. than in the rest of the world altogether.

Here is a S.S. for Dec. 6, 2008 11:59 p.m. to Dec. 7, 2008 11:58 p.m.:

Delicious Del.iciou.us

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